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Public Sector Employee Account

Public Sector Employee Account

The Public Sector Employees Account provides you with ease in managing your money, with the ability to deposit your salary directly into your account. You can easily conduct all your banking transactions through your account, using our advanced electronic services.

Service features:

Ease of managing funds

The Public Sector Employees Account provides you with ease in managing your funds.

Direct Salary Deposit

The ability to deposit your salary directly into your account.

Advanced Electronic Services

You can easily conduct all your banking transactions through your account, using our advanced electronic services.

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Required documents

  • 2 clear colored personal photos.
  • A copy of the national ID.
  • A color copy of the passport.
  • A letter from the employer or a letter from the local council.

The personal photos must be certified by the employer or local affairs.

Open a Public Sector Employees Account Today

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features and services tailored to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the service?

Please come in person to one of the branches with the required documents.